Become a

ZCA members benefit from focused relationships with authorities and with other stakeholders. They attain relevant information, access to education and research. Last but not least, ZCA builds a suitable platform for social interaction.

Terms of

Any company engaged in the commodities’ supply chain, including but not limited to exploration, production, processing and marketing can apply for membership.

Corporate members must be legal entities registered in Switzerland with actual business operations in Zug or its surrounding area.

ZCA includes two member categories: Members (as described above) and Institutional Members (institutions with strong relationships and cross-synergies). For more details, please download our bylaws.

ZCA includes different categories of members:

  • Member (Membership Fee CHF 3’500.- / p. a.)
    Any company engaged in the supply chain of commodities, including but not limited to exploration, production, processing, trading and marketing.
  • Institutional Member (Membership Fee CHF 3’500.- / p. a.)
    Institutions with whom ZCA entertains strong relationships and develops cross-synergies.



Kindly fill in the following form.
Please note that your application will be reviewed and you will be contacted once approved by the Board.


Code of Conduct




Value Proposition